Monday, April 14, 2014

First Family Photo Shoot: The Jeromes

Yesterday I was honored to take pictures for a great family in my ward! When I originally agreed I didn't know it was going to be their daughter's blessing day! I was so excited to be able to capture these shots on their special day. But this also made me more nervous! I am still editing but I wanted to give them a preview so here is one of the images from the shoot:

Their baby is so cute!! It definitely helps when the subjects are so photogenic! 

Thank you Jeromes and family for letting me do this!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Photo a Day Challenge 11:

Day 11: Three of a kind

This is an older picture. But things got crazy today so I am using an old one. These guys are really three of a kind. The little one's definitely take after their father in so many respects. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Photograph a Day Challenge:

Taking the advice of the amazing photographer, Andrea Child over at Tea Tree Photography, I decided to find a Photo A Day Challenge to keep my skills sharp and develop some new ones. So I found this great blog that I am in love with. 

She has a great photo of the day challenge! I won't be posting updates on Facebook everyday because I love you guys and don't want to flood your news feeds with "Oooh look Kayli took ANOTHER picture..." as your cursor finds its way to the "hide all" button. But if you would like to follow along be sure to follow this blog! 

Today's challenge:

10. My Fave Part of the Day

I would have to say my favorite part of the day is just sitting back and watching my kids play. I love seeing them learn on their own and experiencing the world around them. I remember those days. Not having to worry about money, bills, job security...all those things that will come for them in time. Right now they are completely free of those. Free to play, laugh, explore and grow!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

{Getting the Perfect Shot}

To quote Sean Connery as Allan Quatermain:

 "Fire enough bullets and hope to hit the target."

This is basically the style I started out with in photography. For my oldest's third birthday, I took him to a beautiful park and followed him around for three hours just snapping away! I played with settings until, out of hundreds of photos, I had maybe about ten that really worked.

I have learned that photography is just like any other art form. It takes practice...then more practice and then more practice! 

As I get better and more familiar with my camera and the different settings, I am not having to take as many pictures to get the good ones. Which is good because my kids are losing patience with mommy wanting to practice all the time! 

If you are like me and want to get into the photography world, my first suggestions would be to learn about your camera's settings, take the darn thing off auto and PRACTICE!

Since my kids are fed up with the sound of my shutter, I have branched out to practicing on non family members. I had my first photo shoot  a couple weeks ago. I was terrified! But I got some cute pictures from it!  It majorly helped that he was one of the cutest little boys I had ever seen. I'm not charging to take photos right now because I simply don't feel that good yet. I need more experience to build up my confidence. Once I know I can deliver a more quality product and I'm not shooting like "An American" I will start charging a modest fee. But right now that feels like such a far ways off! Coming up I am having my first family shoot! And I am so excited, but oh so very nervous.  I will post how it goes!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Birthday Pictures:

The First Post

I am an Army wife. Mother of two. Wanna be great photographer!

I am exaggerating when I say I am a newbie.

But one talent I do have is appreciation for good art.
I can't paint, draw, play beautiful music, write...

There came a point where I didn't want to just appreciate art. I wanted to create art myself. 
It all started when taking my son to get birthday pictures taken at a photo studio, but I still wanted them taken. So I decided to do it myself. And thus my journey began.

I've come a long way from my point and shoot on automatic. I've finally gained the courage to actually photograph people other than my children. This blog will serve to record my journey through learning this craft! And you can bet there will be lots of blundering about and mistakes. And maybe a few laughs!