Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Photograph a Day Challenge:

Taking the advice of the amazing photographer, Andrea Child over at Tea Tree Photography, I decided to find a Photo A Day Challenge to keep my skills sharp and develop some new ones. So I found this great blog that I am in love with. 

She has a great photo of the day challenge! I won't be posting updates on Facebook everyday because I love you guys and don't want to flood your news feeds with "Oooh look Kayli took ANOTHER picture..." as your cursor finds its way to the "hide all" button. But if you would like to follow along be sure to follow this blog! 

Today's challenge:

10. My Fave Part of the Day

I would have to say my favorite part of the day is just sitting back and watching my kids play. I love seeing them learn on their own and experiencing the world around them. I remember those days. Not having to worry about money, bills, job security...all those things that will come for them in time. Right now they are completely free of those. Free to play, laugh, explore and grow!

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