Monday, April 7, 2014

The First Post

I am an Army wife. Mother of two. Wanna be great photographer!

I am exaggerating when I say I am a newbie.

But one talent I do have is appreciation for good art.
I can't paint, draw, play beautiful music, write...

There came a point where I didn't want to just appreciate art. I wanted to create art myself. 
It all started when taking my son to get birthday pictures taken at a photo studio, but I still wanted them taken. So I decided to do it myself. And thus my journey began.

I've come a long way from my point and shoot on automatic. I've finally gained the courage to actually photograph people other than my children. This blog will serve to record my journey through learning this craft! And you can bet there will be lots of blundering about and mistakes. And maybe a few laughs!

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