Tuesday, April 8, 2014

{Getting the Perfect Shot}

To quote Sean Connery as Allan Quatermain:

 "Fire enough bullets and hope to hit the target."

This is basically the style I started out with in photography. For my oldest's third birthday, I took him to a beautiful park and followed him around for three hours just snapping away! I played with settings until, out of hundreds of photos, I had maybe about ten that really worked.

I have learned that photography is just like any other art form. It takes practice...then more practice and then more practice! 

As I get better and more familiar with my camera and the different settings, I am not having to take as many pictures to get the good ones. Which is good because my kids are losing patience with mommy wanting to practice all the time! 

If you are like me and want to get into the photography world, my first suggestions would be to learn about your camera's settings, take the darn thing off auto and PRACTICE!

Since my kids are fed up with the sound of my shutter, I have branched out to practicing on non family members. I had my first photo shoot  a couple weeks ago. I was terrified! But I got some cute pictures from it!  It majorly helped that he was one of the cutest little boys I had ever seen. I'm not charging to take photos right now because I simply don't feel that good yet. I need more experience to build up my confidence. Once I know I can deliver a more quality product and I'm not shooting like "An American" I will start charging a modest fee. But right now that feels like such a far ways off! Coming up I am having my first family shoot! And I am so excited, but oh so very nervous.  I will post how it goes!


  1. Kaylie! I just wanted you to know that when I began, I did this same thing..not for others, but to see how I would progress. I cannot tell you how much I value this! I even started doing a photo a day..THAT was rewarding!! For what it is worth, and from someone who is still trying to improve her craft, you keep going girl! You've found the joy in taking pictures. It shows in your images!!! :)

    1. Thank you so much! Your pictures are incredible and I seriously hope to be as good as you one day! I'm hoping this blog keeps me motivated to keep snapping pictures and to work on getting better!
